Can you make a living off of a jewelry business?
What to prepare for when owning a jewelry business?
What`s the benefits to owning a business?
and more.........
Let`s save the best for last by listing the cons first :

NOT enough inventory : Sense I handmake my jewelry there were a lot of times I wasn`t able to keep up with production. Due to not having enough time and supplies on hand.
learn as you go:
Sense I am a first time business owner there were a lot of things I just had to learn as mistakes were made or when finding out what I needed that could of made things a lot easier like making sure I bring change to every vendor event for my cash register, this allows me to accommodate my cash paying customers.
There`s nothing like not having change for a buying customer🤦🏽♀️ .
Cheap customers :
Speaking of customers, when dealing with the public you will come across many walks of life. One of the things I have learned with finding my crowd is the crowd that isn`t for my business, Respectfully ! How I know is ignorance, the individuals who don`t value handmade, and natural jewelry. Simply isn't for my business and now that I know that I don't do shows that I feel those crowds will mainly be at. At the beginning of my business journey I was happy to be in any vendor show and I did just that. But to be frank I noticed I didn't make much money at those shows like I did for the vendor shows that were catered to the audience of people I wanted.
Entrepreneurs work long hours and get little rest. In many cases, until you begin to make money, you will have to do all the work yourself. There is a large potential for fatigue, which can lead to poor decisions and the desire to give up. A healthy work-life balance, even for early-stage entrepreneurs, can give you the motivation to build your business for the long haul.
You can make a living selling jewelry !
Outsiders can assume running a jewelry business you get money here and there when in facts there`s ways to receive them in a lump some. Some ways is doing a vendor show I typically make 400$+ a show which is about 4 hours for 1 day imagine doing more then two shows a week that`s 800$+ which brings me back to my point of having to make more jewelry and how you can run into not having enough time to make more pieces without running out which can make or break your sales.
You are you're own boss(Independence)
It`s so free-ing to pave your own way dong what you love while making money it`s so rewarding. With having your own business you do what you want, how you want .
Doing what your love
