Your trapped in the house for Hours ?
At work for hours bored?
Time to browse the shopping site , adding unforgettable items to that cart of yours. Not thinking twice about if funds are available to purchase or not. But to simply allow these things to be yours. It`s either a "ahh-ha" or a "yeah-right!" moment for you right now.
Either way were all guilty of shopping online. Unless your "that-person" stereo-typically between the ages 50- 1,000 years old. I dont see how one can miss the advantages of online shopping. But I say that with no offense, who are living my dream of off the grid.
But back to those who are , you are constantly bombarded with what you should spend your money on.
Shopping ads are constant reminders of what we could have or just might need. As much as I`d like to say I want natural customers to gravitate to buy from lavabjewelry.

I have to be organically honest and say I have to make sure when posting I show the customers or potential customers this is a need and could benefit you in a physical and spiritual way. Only because as a human that`s what we are looking to attain when purchasing something for self or as a gift.
Excuse my scrambles of messages, but moral of this story is to make sure your hard earned money is being spent with value.
To a business that truly cares about it`s customers(you). Buying from brands that are selling there passion and there message/mission statement. Brands that are helping you along this journey we call "life". And also supporting brands that support what you want to see more of in this world.
Lastly, one that is rewarding to our planet(eco-friendly).

I love to support young inspiring individuals striving for health care wellness stay focused u will blossom baby..!!😘