Don`t know what the name your crystal is?
Crystals and stones are one of god`s most beneficial elements to earth and gives us a even stronger connection to gods green earth. From caves to volcanic eruptions to mines and many more.
These gems come from a wide range of climates and demographic regions.
Even if your familiar with crystals it`s easy to get them mixed up and simply just not know the name. There`s over 100 types of crystals. Each one holds there own properties that heals and encourages specific areas(chakras) of the body. There`s nothing like getting a crystal and not knowing what crystal/stone you have. It`s like driving a car and not knowing what kind of car your driving. How do you know what is required of it and what benefits it hold`s.
let me help you with that <3
3 helpful links to help identify your crystal or stone:
written by :
Gorgeous Kumarie