Lava rock is technically called “scoria.” It’s an igneous rock, and it’s formed from volcanic gasses mixing with magma before spewing from a volcano. If the lava cools before the gasses escape, it forms scoria aka lava rock.
The gases create pores in the lava, making it lighter and more porous than other types of stones. Lava rocks can be red, black, or dark gray in color.

How it works ?
Earth has arguably 5 layers :
1. The crust
2. The upper mantle
3. The lower mantle
4. The outer core
5. The inner core

The Benefits
Because lava rocks are formed in the the deepest part of earth they hold such an incredible spark and electricity/energy that benefits human energies such as tension and stress along with worry all these bad energies and others I haven't mention are easily balance when near cooling energies such as magma. The strong connection to the earth`s center and deepest parts explains why lava rocks are great for stabilizing and grounding the ROOT chakra . It`s even been claimed to be given to soldiers to help them remain calm during war hmmmm now imagine what it could do for our everyday battles?
Spiritual properties
Some say that lava stone has powerful spiritual effects on the human mind, and that it can help with grounding, focus, balance, and emotional healing:
Grounding Lava stone is said to have earthy qualities that can help anchor and stabilize energy, promote balance and harmony, and provide a sense of grounding.
Emotional healing Lava stone's calming properties can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and dissipate anger.
Creativity Lava stone is said to cleanse negative thoughts and emotions, and stimulate creativity.
Detoxification Lava stone is also said to be useful as a stone of detoxification and to clear negative energy
Grounding and stability: Lava stone jewelry can help anchor and stabilize your energy, promoting a sense of balance and harmony. Emotional healing: The calming properties of lava stones can aid in emotional healing, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.
Natural diffuser Because lava rocks have a porous make-up they are great for natural diffusers. by applying a few drops of your choice of essential oil and let it naturally do its work :) Lava Stone Meaning, Benefits and Healing Properties: Lava stone is said to alleviate anxiety, promote emotional tranquility and bring calmness and feelings of relaxation. Lava stone is supposed to have very powerful spiritual effects on the human mind. It's said to cleanse negative thoughts and emotions, as well as stimulate creativity. The earthy qualities of lava, make it a stone of grounding, focus and balance, materialism and restraint. Its fiery energy is associated with passion, assertiveness and energy. When you are drawn to lava you may be seeking energy and stamina. It is also said to be useful as a stone of detoxification, to dissipate anger and to clear negative energy. Crystal healers use it to help with anxiety, emotional tranquility, relaxation and a sense of calmness. It is said to be a "stress-absorber." Lava's porous quality makes it popular to use as a diffuser in aromatherapy. This is where essential oils come to play. A couple drops of your choice of essential oil onto your lava bead and you have yourself a natural diffuser.
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