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8 Practical Self-Care Tips..

Writer: The Gorgeous KumarieThe Gorgeous Kumarie

8 Practical Self-Care Tips to Boost Your Overall Health and Well-Being

The term “self-care” is one that you’ve likely heard about more than once. While it’s a relatively broad concept that can change from one person to the next, self-care essentially refers to actively fostering your physical, mental, and emotional health. This most often involves incorporating healthy activities, mindsets, and attitudes into your everyday life.

Taking care of your physical health may seem straightforward enough. After all, you know that your body needs hydration, nutrition, hygiene, and exercise. But as you improve your physical health, it can make a significant impact on your mental and emotional health as well. Additionally, there are self-care activities that do not directly affect your physical health but can benefit your mental and emotional health (like journaling or meditating).

All this to say that no matter where you are in your life journey, making time for self-care is critical for promoting a healthy mind, body, and soul. And there are many practical ways that you can incorporate self-care activities into your routine, even if you’re a busy college student or professional. Lava B. Jewelry offers the following eight ideas to get you started!

1. Manage Your Finances

If you’ve been living independently for any amount of time, you likely understand the importance of sound financial management. It’s easy to overspend without meaning to, and not having money is no fun. Not surprisingly, the state of your personal finances can make a significant impact on your stress levels.

Make sure you have a realistic budget in place. This budget should include all of your monthly income and expenses, as well as some buffer room for saving. Another option for improving your financial situation is to refinance your home. In the simplest terms, refinancing means that you trade in your current home loan for a new loan. It reduces your home’s equity so that you can in turn lower your mortgage payment or receive the difference in cash.

2. Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Diet plays a critical role in your health and well-being. And while there are plenty of fad diets being promoted each day, you don’t need a total dietary overhaul to improve your health.

Try focusing on adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals and snacks, and you’ll be well on your way to feeling better and lowering your risk of disease. Lean meats, fatty fish, and whole grains are also excellent sources of nutrition to consider.

3. Move Your Body

This may not come as a surprise, but regular exercise is really good for your body and mind! The problem that many people deal with is that they don’t feel like they have the time for a consistent exercise routine. However, these days it’s easier than ever to fit a workout into a busy schedule. Look online for fun and fast HIIT workouts, go for a 20-minute run through your neighborhood or swim a few laps at the nearest pool.

Regular exercise will make you more productive, lead to better sleep, boost your self-confidence, and reduce your risk of disease, among countless other perks. If you want to add social benefits to the mix, consider joining a running or fitness group in your community.

4. Aim for Quality of Sleep

Sleep is not overrated. In fact, it’s neglected by far too many people. Unless you give your mind and body the sleep they need, there’s no way for you to hit peak productivity and foster your all-around health and well-being. Plus, sleep deprivation has been linked to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues in many studies.

Create a bedtime routine that helps you unwind from the activities of the day. This could include doing relaxing yoga poses, listening to calming music, reading a book by candlelight, taking a warm bath, or engaging in any other activities that will prepare your mind and body for a restful night of sleep.

5. Lower Your Stress

While we can’t completely eliminate stress in our lives, we can take steps to mitigate its effects and even root out stressors that aren’t serving us. For starters, take stock of what causes the most stress in your life, and then make a list of how to make changes.

If the stress of managing people at work is taking a toll, talk to your supervisor to see about sharing the load or ask someone on your team to pitch in. If it’s stressful with too many social obligations, learn the art of saying “no.” And if it’s family obligations, talk to your partner about sharing responsibilities more equitably. Other ways to help reduce stress include using essential oils with calming scents, meditation and yoga.

6. Go Outside More

With so much of our daily lives revolving around technology, many of us are not getting outdoors as much as we should. But the benefits of spending time in nature are as undeniable as they are wide-ranging. Make time for getting outside each day, whether it means going for a morning walk through the neighborhood, sitting on the patio with your coffee, doing a backyard workout, or meeting friends at the park.

7. Write in a Journal

As you live through your wellness journey, it can help to have something that enables you to look back on your progress. That’s where a journal can prove so useful. Invest in a journal, and commit to writing a little bit every day. Designate time in the early morning, on your lunch break, before you go to sleep, or any time in between. Just allow yourself to write, whether it means describing a recent experience, recounting your wellness goals, or simply venting your thoughts and emotions.

8. Love Yourself

Unless you love yourself, you will be hard-pressed to love others. There are four fundamental components of self-love: self-care, self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-worth. Practicing self-care in your daily life, including the habits mentioned above, can go a long way in promoting the other three components. Stay determined to keep improving your health and wellness, and allow yourself some grace as you progress.

We all want to promote health and wellness in our lives. But perhaps many of us feel like it’s unattainable or too difficult to fit into our daily routines. Fortunately, adopting practical habits like those above can do wonders in improving your physical, mental, and emotional health. If the prospect of incorporating all of these self-care practices seems daunting, start with one and gradually add others throughout your journey.

Article written by Chelsea Lamb ❤



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